High Performance Computing
The “High Performance Computing” ELCoREL workshop, will be held at the Altafulla Mar Hotel****, in Altafulla, Tarragona (Spain) in June 3 – 5th, 2019, as part of the ELCoREL meeting.
The aim of ELCoREL is to train young researchers in all scientific and technological aspects of the storage of renewable electricity into fuels and chemicals.
The following speakers will participate in this event:
Prof. J. Rossmeisl, KU
Dr. J. M. Pruneda, ICN2
Leticia Chico & Dr. A. Monleón, ICIQ
Prof. R. Guimerà & Prof. M. Sales-Pardo, URV
Dr. F. Cucchietti, BSC
D. Vicente, BSC
We strongly encourage young scientists to attend this workshop.
Registrations are open! – Deadline: 25th May