About the PhD Day
We are excited to announce the third edition of the ICIQ PhD Day, an event designed for and by ICIQ PhD students featuring interesting invited conferences, flash presentations and poster and networking sessions. It will take place at ICIQ on the 6th and 7th June 2019.
The number of poster/flash presentations is limited by time and space constraints (30 posters, 25 flash presentations). Preference will be given to those who register first, but in order to balance the scientific program we aim to include presentations from as many groups as possible. Funding for poster printing is available (up to 20 posters) if required.
In order to register to the ICIQ PhD Days 2019, please fill in this form and send your abstract to ipd@iciq.es before April 26th. You may download a template for the abstract here.
Book of Abstracts
Click here to download.
Dr. Cristina Sáez de Pipaón (Orchestra Scientific)
Dr. Fernando Gomollón (Graphene Flagship)
Dr. Bibiana Campos (C&EN)
Currently, she is the Editor in Chief and VP of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) of the Media Group. C&EN produces comprehensive and authoritative journalism about the world of chemistry, including coverage of recent research advances, chemical safety practices, industry, funding and policy trends. C&EN has been published by the American Chemical Society since 1923.
Nessa Carson (Pfizer)
Dr. Jesús Campos (IIQ
Dr. Matthieu Tissot (UCB)
The Best Oral Communication and Best Poster Presentation will be recognised with an award, selected by the speakers and the organising committee.
Organising committee
Pablo Bonilla
Miguel Claros
Federico Dattila
Ana García
José Gómez
Joan Mayans
Daniele Mazzarella
Andrea Moneo
Andreu Tortajada