Computational chemistry has reached such a degree of maturity that studies that just 5 years ago were a milestone are now routine. New chemical reactions that seem simple usually hide complex mechanisms, multiple reaction paths, and subtle effects that challenge theoretical models. Molecular metal oxides in aqueous solution involve condensation and self-assembling reactions, as well […]
Expanding the commercialization of ioChemBD Premium to new geographical markets and customer segments
Linked chemical databases to boost materials discovery
PTA Fellowship – Aleix Mariné
FPI Fellowship – Jordi Buils
Computational Chemistry 4.0 for a Sustainable Development
FI Fellowship – Diego Garay Ruiz
Modelatge Computacional de la Catàlisi homogènia
Abordando Actividad Compleja desde la Química Computacional
Counterions for controlled dissolution, precipitation and stabilization of molecular clusters and extended lattices
Principal Investigator: Dr. May Nyman Coordinating Institution: Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR