Oliver Loveday
PhD StudentM. Sc. in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling (UB - UPC)
Research Group/s: Prof. Núria López
Phone: +34 977 920 200 (ext. 307)
e-mail: oloveday@iciq.es
Oliver is working on a project that aims to recycle CO2 into useful chemicals like methanol, thus abating climate change, through materials formed by metals supported in oxides. A combined approach with the newest machine learning techniques and state-of-the-art atomistic simulations are being employed to address these very versatile materials.
Programa predoctoral Joan Oró de la Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya, i Fons Social Europeu Plus. Referència: 2023 FI-1 00769.